First some background. I recently opened a teaching supply store and we stock a number of books, mostly from a company called Gallopade, located in Georgia. Since business is understandably taking some time to build up, I've been reading the books so I know what to recommend. So that's why the next couple of reviews will be on kids' books.
Mary America was the granddaughter of the president. She was raised by him after her parents died in a car accident. She became president when the constitution was amended so that the president could appoint a successor. There was also a minimum IQ added.
In the story, Mary has to approve the budget, but doesn't want to because it calls for more spending than the country has. So she recruits her friends to help her without putting the country into debt. The story involves all of her family members, and her members of cabinet.
I can certainly see how this would be a fun book for learning about the presidency and the White House. What kid doesn't want to imagine what it'd be like to be the president? The writing style was fun, but I don't think any kids reading it will feel talked down to. However, there wasn't as much information as I expected. I also found the entire concept a little strange, almost un-American. While I get that it's kind of a difficult plot to set up, the concept was one that was too impossible to imagine, since the idea of inheritance into power was something this country was made to avoid. The ending was also confusing. I didn't understand the resolution.
Overall, it is something that I'd recommend, since I would have enjoyed it when I was the target age.
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